Valley Fiber is a telecommunications infrastructure company that specializes in the development, construction and operations of fiber and fixed-wireless infrastructure for residential and commercial use. Valley Fiber was incorporated in 2016 and has successfully built a presence in Southern Manitoba, constructing high quality telecommunications infrastructure to service the historically underserved Manitoban communities. Based in Winkler, Manitoba, Valley Fiber currently operates in more than 20 municipalities in Manitoba. The company also operates 48 fixed wireless towers. Valley Fiber has received support from municipal and federal levels of government in Canada to further expand its network, improve the connectivity in the region, and enable more Canadians to participate in the digital economy.

Investment date
April 2020
Employees (Dec. 20)
CAD 3bn
Government support for broadband roll-outs to underserved communities
Vertical tower assets
Equity stake

At the time of investment Valley Fiber operated in four towns in southern Manitoba with ca 3,200 customers. Our investment will allow Valley Fiber to connect more communities to fiber over the coming years. In the first 12 months we have been focused on further building the company and network. Valley Fiber constructed 8 new fixed wireless towers and is well on track to completing additional fiber connections this year. Valley Fiber continues to benefit from strong federal government support.

Due to DIF’s operational support and investment, Valley Fiber has been able to accelerate its growth plan in its target markets while maintaining a strong market position in the underserved fiber market in rural Manitoba, Canada. As a company with strong community ties and values, Valley Fiber will aim to further expand its service to traditionally underserved areas in Manitoba.