Our values

It’s our diversity that sets us apart. We have expertise that spans the exceptionally broad range of infrastructure equity and the credit space. The rich variety of people in our team who live and work in their local markets provide in-depth knowledge and build the strong relationships that underpin our business. Through an open and collaborative culture, we share insight, ideas, and inspiration. Together, we make informed and responsible investment decisions that result in attractive returns for our investors and a positive impact on society.


We are independent thinkers. DIF takes a flexible and agile approach to identifying attractive investment opportunities and managing risk to achieve positive returns.


We are open, honest, and driven to do what is right. A pragmatic and
disciplined approach underpins our long-term commitment to investors and investments.

A collective

We are a group of diverse fund managers within a collaborative culture of shared ownership. We trust and support each other to deliver the best results for investors, companies, local communities and the environment.

Dif values

Our history


Final close of DIF CIF II at €1.0 billion.

NY office opens to cover US market.

€9.0 billion of assets under management.




Final close of DIF VI at €3.0 billion.

Launch of new Credit investment strategies.

Over 160 employees.

€8.5 billion of assets under management.


Updated governance structure with Supervisory Board and Executive Committee.

Chile office opens in Santiago.

Over 135 employees.


Final close of DIF V at  1.9 billion.

5.6 billion of investments under management.

Over 100 employees.


Sale of DIF II to APG.

Launch of new investment strategy, DIF CIF I, with final close in November.


Sydney office opens to cover Australian and New Zealand market.

Over 50 employees.

Final close of DIF IV in September: the fund opens for investments in Australasia besides Europe and North America.


Sale of DIF’s first fund DIF PPP to Aberdeen Asset Management.


Final close of DIF III in March: the fund opens to cover North America besides Europe.

Implementation of a new partner structure.

DIF’s first regulated utility investment.


Toronto office opens to cover North America.

Madrid office opens to further cover Southern Europe.


Final close of DIF II in October, a merger of DIF PPP and DIF Renewable Energy investment strategies.

Luxembourg office opens.

Over 20 professionals.


London and Frankfurt offices open for business.

Final close of DIF Renewable Energy.


Paris office opens.


Final close of our first fund, DIF PPP.

2003 – 2005

Entrepreneurs Maarten Koopman and Menno Witteveen prepared a business plan for investing in the European PPP sector, which resulted in the establishment of DIF in 2005. Former PwC Partner and advisor to Koopman & Witteveen (KW), Wim Blaasse joined DIF as Managing Partner at the first closing of DIF PPP.

A world of opportunity

Our network of over 170 professionals located in nine offices worldwide puts us in a strong position to originate, manage and exit funds and investments quickly, smoothly and effectively worldwide.

Offices globally


  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Chile
  • France
  • Germany
  • Luxembourg
  • Netherlands
  • Spain
  • United Kingdom
  • United States


DIF strictly complies to local laws, industry regulations and internal policies such as our Code of Conduct to ensure we act professionally, transparently and with integrity at all times.

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Download our Code of Conduct (summary)
